Mindful Life


Gold standard

8-week online programme

Become calmer, happier and healthier in the mind and body by learning mindfulness skills


Learn how to live with more peace and ease.

Mindfulness has been scientifically evidenced to:

✔️ Increase happiness

✔️ Reduce stress, anxiety and depression

✔️ Help you be calmer and less reactive

✔️ Improve sleep

✔️ Improve relationships

✔️ Improve memory

✔️ Boost the immune system

The course has been life changing and Sally is a fabulous mindfulness practitioner. She has taught me a host of skills and strategies to take forward in daily life. Her gentle, kind, interested and understanding approach at the sessions has been greatly appreciated.
— TH

How does the programme work?

We often find that our minds run on automatic pilot for much of the time, often into patterns of negative thinking and this can influence how we act and feel in situations of high pressure and overwhelm.

We can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to get everything right, and this can often show up as restlessness, over-planning and endless worry. 

As work or family pressures mount, it can be a challenge to balance our commitments which often leads to feeling stressed and run down.  

During the Mindfulness for Life course you learn how to train your mind to become aware of these habitual patterns of thinking. Enabling you to choose which thoughts you wish to pay attention to, which ones are helpful and which ones are not!

You will also cultivate mindfulness skills, empowering you to stop, mindfully appreciate and savour the little things in life, so you can create new healthy habits and flourish.

Ultimately, learning how mindfulness can become a way of life and not just a temporary fix.

Mindfulness for Life course is based on scientifically evidenced, world renowned Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, however the course is skills based and not therapy.

What does the course entail?

  • 8 x 1.5-hour, one-to-one sessions. (Note: first session will be 2 hours in length).

  • You will develop key mindfulness skills and techniques through mindful practices, discussion and taught theory.

  • In addition, approximately 30 minutes of home practice is required each day to get the most out of the course along with some mindful exercises and techniques to try in your every day life. It can by quite a commitment however the rewards can be very significant.

  • The course will be delivered online via Zoom.


 Is the course suitable for me?

 This course is for you if:

💫 You have a tendency to overthink and feel overwhelmed or stressed at times.

💫 You find yourself persistently anticipating the future, or worrying about the past, for yourself and your family.

💫 You wish you could learn to be kinder to yourself and have more control over your thoughts and behaviours, as so often they are just thoughts and not the reality we live in.

💫 You consider your wellbeing and mental health a priority in order to thrive in work and family life.

💫 You may be completely new to mindfulness and meditation or may have tried it before, but not quite got to grips with it. Perhaps you have found that digital apps can only take you so far and are now ready to go to the next level.


This course may not work for you:

➖ if you are currently depressed to the extent you are unable to manage your everyday life.

➖ If you are recently bereaved and feeling overwhelmed by the grief, now may not be a good time to join the programme.

If any of these apply, please have a conversation with Sally before committing to this programme.

Thank you Sally, you’ve changed my life and given me tools to help navigate the future. A gift worth more than any amount of money .
— LD


The cost of the programme is £800 and you will receive:

⭐️ 8 x one to one sessions for 1.5 hours (the first session is 2 hours).

⭐️ Lifetime access to my guided meditations, which you can download and use at home.

⭐️ A weekly follow-up email and a reminder email with a summary of the home practice and information to support your understanding of the theme of the week.

⭐️ A supporting workbook giving you an explanation and theoretical underpinnings of each session.

What materials are included?

You will be given:

✔️ Digital workbook: Each mindfulness session you attend will involve meditations and follow up discussions to help you unpick your own mind. This means the learning from each session will be mostly practical and experiential in application. The workbook has been developed for you to read and work through alongside each session in your own time so that you can understand the theoretical underpinnings of the weekly themes. It will also explain the home practice for you to complete each week which will include an explanation of the meditation and some mindful activities for you to weave into your daily life.

✔️ Guided meditations resource to download and keep: You will be introduced to a new meditation each week, each one building upon the next to develop your mindfulness skills in a careful and gentle way. There will be a total of 8 meditations during the course.

✔️ Top up Training: Following the course you will be given the option to book booster sessions at a discounted price of £60 per hour. This will help you maintain and deepen your practice should you wish to.


About your teacher

Sally spent 14 years working in corporate Learning and Development in the UK and the Middle East before becoming a mindfulness teacher.

Since then, she has trained with world-renowned mindfulness centres and has a Master’s degree in Mindfulness Based Teaching from Bangor University.

Sally has helped many people develop the skills to be less reactive to day to day challenges helping them to feel calmer and less stressed.

Sally is a member of BAMBA (the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches), the benchmark of industry-leading practitioners. BAMBA members are professional teachers with a recognised high standard of training and experience and undertake ongoing professional practice to teach safely and effectively. 


Kind words:

Noelle Morgan, Leadership and Mindset Coach. “I didn’t expect the amount of gifts she’d share with me…my relationships have improved, I feel lighter, I’m less hard on myself, I have more self-compassion, I give myself more kindness, I’m more focused and present….I don’t say it lightly but this programme has been life-changing for me. Sally is an absolute delight to work with, she’s the kindest person, gives so much, so supportive. I recommend anyone to take her programme”

This course has given me the ability to notice my thoughts, realise the patterns, understanding that they are just thoughts. The clarity that I get from a session is amazing, even if I feel that I haven’t done “it well”. Realising that negative emotions and feelings pass and that I don’t need to try and “fix” myself when I feel them! I also started to see, with your help, my striving, forward focused thought patterns and learned when they might help and when they might hinder me!
— Katherine Tiddy, Executive Coach
Practice has allowed me to: increase my self-awareness, augment my self-care, limit the impact of my self-critical thoughts, fill up with gratitude and appreciation, re-connect with friends I haven’t seen all year and make some important decisions about the future - so many reasons to continue practising!
— RS
This course is literally life changing. It has helped me to be kinder to myself; prioritise my wellbeing and self-care; re-connect with friends; and make significant decisions about the future. And with Sally at the helm, participants are supported and contained, while warmly and gently navigated through the course.
— PT
This course will change your mindset and give you tools to navigate situations in life in a healthy and positive way. Sally is a wonderful coach and I feel blessed to have worked with her.
— Livia O, Counsellor and Coach
The course is brilliant for enabling you to understand more about what you are doing with both yourself and your life. It will enlighten you to your everyday unseen, sometimes unhealthy, habits and offer you tools to help you throughout every aspect of your journey, oft to a more balanced calmer and loving outcome.
— SS
Sally has been a fantastic and patient teacher and has the most soothing voice for the meditations
— Heidi Marfitt, Photographer
A heartfelt thank you Sally...I have loved doing this course and have so appreciated it. More than you know.
— SM
Sally’s mindfulness course has been a life changer for me, it has given me so much awareness and appreciation in my daily life, I feel reconnected to myself and enjoy life in a much deeper way since taking the course. Sally is kind, caring and very relatable, she put me at ease from day 1, she has a wonderful calming voice and guides you through each practice with ease. I highly recommend this course.
— Lynsey Green, Artist
Thank you! This course has changed how I look at life and how I feel about myself, I am so very grateful
— RT
1. I have become increasingly aware of the tension I feel often when I am rushing at work, or trying to juggle too much. When I notice this, I now pause, ground myself with points of contact and breathe mindfully, or practise a three step breathing space. I have started to do this before I log into work email, which has meant that I am in a better position before I start work.

2. Daily gratitude practices have been really beneficial. I feel more connected to a number of people in my life due to including them in the practices, and as a result have contacted and arranged to meet friends I have not seen this year. I am also grateful for the health I still have, and have prioritised maintaining it, for example by booking into aqua classes.

3. An overall increase in awareness and letting go has enabled me to recognise that I am caught up in repeating patterns that are not always beneficial. As a consequence, I have made some significant decisions about work and wider responsibilities.
— IM