5-minute Get Ready for Coaching meditation

Spend 5 minutes using this guided meditation to get you ‘in the zone’ before each coaching call to help you:

⭐️ Feel calm, confident and fully prepared for your call

⭐️ Show up feeling fully present, focused and available for your client

⭐️ Become aware of any unhelpful thinking which might negatively impact your or your client’s results.

STOP meditation

This short practice will help you:

⭐️ Press the pause button on the unhelpful thinking that stops you from showing up for your clients and your business

⭐️ Helps you to stop long enough to take a different perspective on what is going on for you right now

⭐️ Gives you the opportunity to take the next right action to support your clients, your business and your wellbeing.


Mindfulness Habit Starter: 5 minutes a day for 5 days to build a sustainable practice.

Do you want to start a mindfulness practice but just can't get started or make it consistent?

To give you some help, I've created this freebie to point you in the right direction.

I've developed 5 x 5 minute guided practices to get you started. They're super simple, you just need to sit (or lie) there and follow the instructions!

Day 1: Steady and Calm

Day 2: Focus and Attention

Day 3: Body Scan

Day 4: Mindfulness of Sound

Day 5: Relieving Stress

Along with these 5 meditations, I will give you some tips on how to make the most of your practice as you try them.

Yes, just 5 minutes a day can make a difference. It can give you a little bit of calm and stillness in your hectic busy day.
